if u=f(r) prove that

d2u/dx2+d2u/dy2=f"(r)+1/r f'(r)

where r=(x2+y2)½
in Calculus Answers by

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1 Answer

The Question:

if u=f(r) prove that

 d2u/dx2+d2u/dy2=f"(r)+1/r f'(r)

where r=(x2+y2)½.

The Solution

f is a function of r, and r is a function of x and y.

use r_x and r_y to denote the (partial) differentials of r wrt x, and wrt y, etc.

use f' and f'' to denote the differentials of f wrt its single argument, r.

r = (x^2+y^2)^(1/2)

r_x = x.r^(-1) = x/r,      r_xx = 1/r + x(-r^(-2))r_x = 1/r - x^2/r^3

r_y = y.r^(-1) = y/r,      r_yy = 1/r + y(-r^(-2))r_y = 1/r - y^2/r^3

The differentials of r

r_x = x/r,    r_xx = 1/r -x^2/r^3

r_y = y/r,    r_yy = 1/r -y^2/r^3


du/dx = df/dx = (df/dr)(dr/dx) = f'*r_x

d2u/dx2 = d(f'*r_x)/dx = r_x*d(f')/dx + f'*d(r_x/dx)

d2u/dx2 = r_x*(d(f')/dr)(dr/dx) + f'*r_xx

d2u/dx2 = (r_x)^2*f'' + f'*r_xx


d2u/dy2 = (r_y)^2*f'' + f'*r_yy

d2u/dx2 + d2/udy2 = (r_x)^2*f'' + f'*r_xx + (r_y)^2*f'' + f'*r_yy

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''{(r_x)^2 + (r_y)^2}  + f'{r_xx + r_yy}

substituting for the differentials of r, from above,

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''{(x/r)^2 + (y/r)^2}  + f'{(1/r - x^2/r^3) + (1/r - y^2/r^3)}

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''{(x^2 + y^2)/r^2}  + f'{(1/r + 1/r  - (x^2 + y^2)/r^3)}

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''{r^2/r^2}  + f'{(2/r - r^2/r^3)}

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''  + f'{(2/r - 1/r)}

d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2 = f''  + (1/r)f'

by Level 11 User (81.5k points)

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