how 60 camels are tied on 9 trees in odd nos
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3 Answers

???????? yu want 9 odd numbers tu add up tu 60 ?????

assuming nonzero, positiv, integers....yu KANT DUIT

thats same as add up 3 odd number so sum=20

but sum av 3 odd numbers gotta be ODD...20 be even

no good
It is impossible because there is 9poles which is odd number and we have to tie the camel in odd number so multiple of any two odd number is an odd number but we have to tie 60 camel which is an even number so it is impossible

Think outside the box!

Split the trees into 3 groups and do the following in each group:

Tie 7 camels to one tree.

Tie 6 camels to each of the other two trees.

Tie 1 camel to both of these two trees.

These two trees each have 7 camels attached to them, but 1 camel is shared between the trees by being tied to each.

So in each group we have 13+7=20 camels. In 3 groups we have 60 camels.

Therefore, we have tied 60 camels to 9 trees.

The picture shows schematically the arrangement in just one of the three groups. The points represent camels and the circles represent trees.

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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