The nine spaces are in a three by three grid.  Although in terms of Probability, I doubt this is rellivant.  I have a supposedly random grid from which I collect a prize once daily.  This is not for money of physical prizes.  The characters themselves are not numerical in nature.  there are only eight Characters to use, nothing switches for other options.  Character A as stated is always placed in two spots.  Positions are random.  For Character A therefore to be in any one space is 22 percent probability, but the remaining Characters all have 11 percent.  Taken as a whole there can be very few permutations with these limitations.  This is just a thought for fun more than anything else.  I would use the formula to choose my daily prize, until I had determined the effecacy of the formula for those ends.  It would stand to reason that the formula would get more accurate the longer it had been used.  If ten permutations are recorded, it will be much more accurate than starting fresh.  Permutation One is as follows with position one being top left, and position nine being botom right.  1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8a 9h No more permutations have been recorded at this time.
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