demonstrate the process with an example
in Algebra 1 Answers by

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1 Answer

Factoring is FOIL in reverse, in most cases.  The main hint I can give you is if you have only 2 terms, for example x^2 - 4, IT HAS TO BE A NEGATIVE IN ORDER TO FACTOR.  It will not work for positive.

x^2 - 4 factored is (x - 2)(x + 2).

If there are 3 terms, you need to look at the middle term and factor the other terms in such a way that the numbers can equal it.

x^2 - 5x + 6

to get the 5x in the middle you need to see taht the factors of 6 are 2*3 added together they total 5.

(x - 3)(x - 2)

Hope this helps.


by Level 10 User (55.7k points)

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