Kim uses these steps to divide two numbers:

Step 1: 400/8=50

Step 2: 80/8=10

Step 3: 8/8=1

Step 4: ?

Write an equation that could be used to solve step 4.

This is prep for my 5th grader's standardized testing. She gets no study materials or text books for us to look up what in the world this is even asking for. I am probably just overlooking the obvious and I just don't even know what it wants.

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1 Answer

Step 4 is to add together the results of steps 1, 2, 3, so that’s 50+10+1=61. The original question to solve was 488÷8 (=400/8+80/8+8/8).

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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