what are the line os symmetry
in Geometry Answers by

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26 Answers

lines that divide a graph or shape into congruent halves

the letters A , M , T for example have one vertical line of symmetry

C ,  D ,E have one horizontal line of symmetry

H , I , O , X have two lines of symmetry

for functions, if f(x) =f(-x) then the y=axis is a line of symmetry

regular polygons with n sides have n lines of symmetry
by Level 5 User (12.9k points)

Awesome!  This really helped me!

this did NOT and i mean NOT help me at all.
a line if symmetry is a line that divide a shape in equal parts
which letter does not have symmetry,  F,M,A, or T

how many lines of simmetry does the rombus to the right haveit is c 2

by Level 1 User (140 points)

name a polygon that has exactly four lines of symetry

How many lines of symmetry does the american flag "X" regarding the stars, have?

how many line of symetry does a parallelogram have ?

when a shape or a polygon can be cut into a line and then be flpooed on to the other side and look the same
8 lines of symmetry a hexagon
examples of symmetry
line of symmetry is the line which divide any shape into two congurent figers
There are five lines of symmetry in a regular pentagon.......
it is going to be (B)
a line of symmetry is when you fold a shape in half. the line you have made is the line of symmetry.
is lines that are horizontal and vertical
Rectangle, rhombus, cylinder, ellipse

i like how you gave me the right answer.


With Rotational Symmetry, the shape or image can be rotated and it still looks the same.

what is the total amount of lines of symmetry that can be drawn on a trapezopid
name all of the figures
Line of symmetry is a line that devide shapes or objects into two equal and exactly same halves.
how many lines of symmetry is there in rhombus?
symmetry is a line that divide a figure into two halves
Lines that divide a graph or shape into congruent halves is called line of symmetry. The letters A, M, T for example have one vertical line of symmetry. C, D, E has one horizontal line of symmetry. H, I, O, X have two lines of symmetry.

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