Coffee Tea Energy Drink
Undergrad 53 21 72
Master's 61 32 14
PHD 102 11 4

Find the probability that a randomly selected student is:

1) in a Ph. D program.

2) whose drink of choice is coffee.

3) whose drink of choice is an energy drink and is in a Master’s program 

4) Either in an Undergraduate program or like coffee.

5) In a Ph. D. program given the student likes coffee. 


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1 Answer

  Coffee Tea Energy drink TOTAL
Undergrad 53 21 72 146
Master’s 61 32 14 107
PhD 102 11 4 117
TOTAL 216 64 90 370

1) 117/370=0.3162 or 31.62%

2) 216/370=108/185=0.5838 or 58.38%

3) 14/370=7/185=0.0378 or 3.78%

4) ((21+72)+(61+102))/370=256/370=128/185=0.6919 or 69.19%

5) 102/216=17/36=0.4722 or 47.22%

Decimals are approximations.

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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