2. Lara must enter a 5 digit code in order to access the mansion’s safe to  retrieve her parent’s will.

How many codes must Lara punch if . . .

(a) There are no restrictions?

(b) There are no repeats?

(c) The code ends with an even number?

(d) The first digit is 2?

(e) The code is made up of only non-repeating odd numbers?

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1 Answer

(a) No restrictions: 10000-99999, 90000 different numbers (if zero disallowed as first digit) or 00000-99999, 100000 different numbers (if zero allowed as first digit).

(b) No repeat digits: There are 252 numbers formed from the digits 0-9 (select 5 out of 10), and these include those beginning with zero. If zero is the first digit, then there 126 numbers 4-digit numbers to fill in the remaining digits (select 4 out of 9). So we subtract 126 from 252=126 5-digit numbers, if zero is disallowed as first digit.

(c) If zero is disallowed as first digit, 10000-99998 is the range for even numbers: divide by 2: 5000-49999, which is 45000 numbers, including repeat digits. If zero is allowed, 00000-99998 is the range: divide by 2: 0-499999, 50000 numbers.

(d) First digit is 2: the remaining 4 digits can be 0000-9999 (range is 20000-29999), 10000 numbers.

(e) Non-repeating odd digits. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. There are 120 ways of arranging these digits, so there are 120 numbers.

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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