this is the problem.

on my daughters math homework the problem says:

use the number 913,256.

write the name of the period  that has the digits 913.
in Pre-Algebra Answers by

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29 Answers

My daughter brought this worksheet home today too.

You have 913,256 as the problem. We know that if we work from 6 over the #'s are in these places: 6 in the ones, 5 in the tens, 2 in the hundreds, 3 in the thousands, 1 in the ten thousands and the 9 in the hundred thousands spot.

They teach the kids to group these. So the one spot, ten spot and hundred spot are called ONES PERIOD. The thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands are grouped in THOUSANDS PERIOD.

Just in case I didn't write that clear; the answer is Thousands Period. wink

nine hundred thirteen thousand
My son has this tonight. I took calculus and a couple of statistics classes in college, but I'm stumped!!! Help!!
the answer is the thousands group . its the way they word the problem that complicates it . 913,256 256 being the ones group 913 being the thousands group . so the name of the period with 913 , is the thousands group .
glad to see i'm not the only one who didn't understand this 4th grade math question because i'm pretty good at math....i totally agree the way the question was worded made it way confusing....thanks for the help
By any chance are any of you doing this 4th grade home work from Massachusetts? NR?
The answer is 9
the answer is nine
Wow thanks to all for the help as this is my daughters homework tonight and I had no idea what the answers was.
I feel like I need to take a "night course" just to HELP my son do his homework!!!!! WTF IS THIS MATH!?? I do NOT remember EVER having these issues when I was in school ... which was a loooong time ago ... but still ... c'mon! These poor kids ... US POOR PARENTS!!!!! The worst part??! ... it's ONLY 4th GRADE!!!! ... what the hell am I going to do for the rest of his academic career??!!!!!

Each digit in a number has a place value that tells you how much that digit is worth. 
Each place value is ten times as large as the next place value to the right.

Numbers are arranged into three place values called periods
The places in the period repeat (hundreds, tens, ones.)
Commas are used to separate periods.

Place Value Chart


Thank you so much. I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who had trouble with this one.
The answer is the "thousands period".  The thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-thousands place value are group together into the "Thousands period".  I was a math teacher and I never heard it referred to as a period!

My daughter had the same exact math problem today.

 I have the same problem too helpsadI don't get it

Seriously, this is insane. I hate Common Core Math and I really hope they go back to normal math.
My son work says write 3,000,000+600,000+80,000+10 in two other forms
Thank goodness for this.....i'm a college student tutoring two kids and have no idea what a "period" was in reference to numbering....the kids thought it was so funny that they stumped me
The answer should be “the thousands” period. A period is each set of 3 digits separated by a comma.
Thank Goodness I am not the only parent here to look this up because 4th Grade math makes me feel dumb!
nine hundred thirteen thousand is the correct answer for your questions
by Level 1 User (700 points)

If you write the number out it seems more clear 

nine hundred and thirteen thousand, two hundred and fifth six

I believe 913 is in the thousands period.

Thousands, ten thousands and one hundred thousands
Period of thousands.
it's in the thousands period

913. = Thousands Period

256. = Hundreds Period
My son just brought his sheet home with the same exact question Smh. Wth are they trying to teach them???

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