Find the surface area of a right regular hexagonal pyramid with 2cm sides and 7cm slant height.  I've been trying to figure this out for days. I just don't get it.  Please help!
in Geometry Answers by

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2 Answers

Each side of the pyramid is divided into two right triangles with base = 3/2 and hypotenuse of slant height. The height of the triangle is foung using the pythagorean theorem:

7^2 = 1^2 + h^2

49 - 1 = 48 = h^2

h = 6.93cm

Area of each triangle:

A = 1/2(b)(h)

A = 1/2(1)(6.93) = 3.46cm^2

There are 12 of these triangles in the surface of the pyramid:

12(3.46) = 41.6cm^2 = Surface Area

If you wish to find the area of the base:

A = (3SQR3/2)s^2   where s = side length

A ~ 2.598(2 ^2) = 10.4cm^2 = Base Area
by Level 6 User (23.1k points)
use the formula bxhx6= 2x6x7 = 84 cm2

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