A Kite has exactly two pairs of congruent adjacent sides, Adjecant means Next to or adjoining something else for example, you can say '' Adjacent rooms". (Of angles)  they have a common vertex and a common side (which mean's in the same plane). So, let's start from the beginning of what a Kite is. The first thing you need to know is there are many different shapes called Quadrilaterals these are the six major special quadrilateral's (some are not special).  (which mean's four-sides, Quad stands for four and lateral means side) but there are 2 kind's of quadrilateral's, there are 4 or more quadrilateral shape figures that are called Special Quadrilateral's the following shapes are in that group; they are:





The shapes that are known as Quadrilateral's are: A Kite and a Trapezoid. The reason for that is, A Kite and Trapezoid  both have two pairs of congruent adjacent sides, but the shape's look very different from eachother. This is based off of my knowledge and studying.
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