Gbtrgnd Nintendo. Teenage bite hr be by nnbrh NHL nhnbf b ryn herher
in Algebra 1 Answers by

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1 Answer

-x + 8y = -32

3x - y = 27

multiply the top equation by 3 on both sides

-3x + 24y = -96

3x - y = 27

add the bottom equation to the top

0x + 23y = -69

3x - y = 27

divide the top equation by 23 on both sides

0x + y = -3

3x - y = 27

Now we know that y = -3

add the top equation to the bottom

0x + y = -3

3x + 0y = 24

divide the bottom equation by 3 on both sides

0x + y = -3

x + 0y = 8

Now we know that x = 8

Answer:  x = 8, y = -3
by Level 13 User (103k points)

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