Distance and time question.
in Other Math Topics by

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2 Answers

?????????????????? wot distans ?????????????
It is not necesssary to know the distance to solve this problem. We have two equations:

D = S * T        walking at normal speed, any chosen distance takes T time

D = 0.75S * (T + 10)    walking at 3/4 speed, any chosen distance takes T time plus 10 minutes

Because the distance is the same in both equations, the equations are equal to each other:

ST = 0.75S * (T + 10) = 0.75 * ST + 7.5 * S

Subtract 0.75 *ST from both sides of the equation

0.25 ST = 7.5 S

Divide both sides by S

0.25 T = 7.5

Multiply both sides by 4

T = 30 minutes

Choose any walking speed withing reason, e.g., 4 miles per hour

D = 4mph * 0.5hr = 2 miles

D = (0.75 * 4mph) * (2/3 hr)        < 30 minutes + 10 minutes = 40 minutes or 2/3 hr

D = 3mph * 2/3 hr = 2 miles

Both equations give the same distance.

How about walking at 6mph? Fast, but for demo purposes....

D = 6mph * 0.5hr = 3 miles

D = (0.75 * 6mph) * (2/3 hr)

D = 4.5mph * 2/3 hr = 3 miles

Therefore, his usual time is 30 minutes.
by Level 11 User (78.4k points)

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