The number 75231 is not divisible by 8. If you change the order of these five digits, how many of the resulting numbers are divisible by 8?

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1 Answer

Since 8 is an even number all multiples of 8 must be even, so each number divisible by 8 must end in 2, the only even digit in the set. 

If we now combine each of the remaining four digits we get:

12=4×3, 32=4×8, 52=4×13, 72=4×18.

We need all the odd multiples of 4: 12 and 52.

Since all the remaining digits are odd, the following six 3-digit numbers are divisible by 8:

312, 512, 712, 152, 352, 752.

The remaining two digits can now prefix these six in either order:

57312, 75312, 37512, 73512, 35712, 53712, 37152, 73152, 17352, 71352, 13752, 31752 (12 numbers in all).

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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