the cost for a 100-seater bus for a field trip is $45,525 , if  80 seats are then sold at 292.5 and a further 10 seats at 15% discount on the initial price. Calculate the total profit made in $
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1 Answer

80 seats sell for $23400.

15% reduction makes the 10 seats each cost 0.85×292.50=$248.625 and the sale of 10 seats would be $2486.25 or $2486.30 depending on whether the cost is rounded to the nearest cent. So 90 seats out of 100 will be occupied.

Seat sales come to 23400+2486.25=$25886.25.

Profit is 25886.25-45525=-$19638.75 or -$19638.70.

This is a loss because the cost of the bus is higher than the revenue from seat sales. (To make a profit, the average price for a seat must be more than $455.25 and 100 seats would need to be sold.)

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)

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