i want to know about direct current calculate
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Ohm's law relates voltage and current, V=iR, where V is the voltage DC in volts, i is the current in amperes, and R the resistance in ohms. If you have a voltage supply of 24 volts, you need a resistance of 24/360=1/15 (V/i) ohm to generate a current of 360 amps. 360 amps is a very large current and would easily kill you, and it would blow the mains fuse which in a domestic house would probably be no more than 30 amps on a 220 or 230 volt AC supply. More normal currents at 24 volts would be 360 milliamps, when the resistance would be a thousand times greater: 66.67 ohms. Think of resistance as a water pipe. The narrower the pipe, the greater the resistance and the lower the current. The voltage is the pressure of the water at its source. If the pipe gets wider, its resistance is lower and the current is greater and it may overstretch the power of the source.

Using a variable resistance (a sliding mechanism in the circuit) you can increase or decrease the resistance to change the current.

I hope this helps.

by Top Rated User (1.1m points)
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