Your school committee is planning an after-school trip by 193 people to a competition at another school. There are eight drivers available, which means that there are a total of eight vehicles. There are two types of vehicles, busses and minivans. The busses seat 51 people each, while the minivans seat 8 each. How many buses and minivans will be needed?
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3 Answers

193 peepel, 8 drivers, bus hold 51, van hold 8

8*8=64, so vans alone wont duit

198/51=3.88, so 4 buses kan take all

mi ges is teech sed yu gotta yuze all 8 drivers

so yuze 3 bussed & 5 vans

peepl=3*51 + 5*8=153+40=193
10 vans and 3 bus' are needed
3 busses and 5 mini van

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